Gary Steers

Hello, it's me!

Welcome to my new page, this is going to mainly be for listing/sharing work that i am doing for the open community, i'm happy to share anything on here, please just let me know how you are using it (so I can keep track of it's uses) and further ddevelop if needed!

Nagios Stuff section

One of the first things I want to shout about on here is my Nagios Stuff section, I am in the process of writing a few nagios checks for the open community and will be sharing them on here!
Check it out

Content rather lacking?

S, i'm not great at content (as you may already have noticed!) I am sorry for the lack thereof. All this page is meant to be is a list of current/released works! Questions? gary [at]

Built on Bootstrap

So, my skills for creating "original" designs are there, but just take a while, why re-invent the wheel? use bootstrap!